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🔧 RV Care: Coping With A Blowout

Updated: Jul 9, 2023

If you experience a rapid loss of air pressure (blowout) on a front tire while driving a motorhome RV (class A, B or C), what should you do? In a recent RV Travel Website Poll,32% of respondents said you should lay off the gas pedal while turning the steering wheel slightly in the opposite direction of the blown tire. 66% of respondents said you should press the accelerator for a short distance to maintain control and remain in your lane as you slow. The remaining 1% said you should lay hard on the brakes (which even I know is not a smart option)!

In this blog post I will not pretend to know the correct answer, as I have never experienced a front wheel sudden loss of air pressure (blowout) on a motorhome RV. But here is a compelling video produced for the Recreational Vehicle Industry Association by Michelin Tires.

Whichever method you choose in that scary scenario, once you have regained control of the motorhome, pull over to the side of the road and change the tire.

Here are some additional tips for handling a motorhome RV front tire rapid pressure loss.

  • Stay calm. The most important thing to do is to stay calm and focused. If you panic, you're more likely to make a mistake.

  • Don't brake suddenly. Braking suddenly could cause the RV to skid. Instead, slow down gradually.

  • Steer into the skid. If the RV starts to skid, steer into the skid. This will help to keep the RV under control.

  • Pull over to the side of the road as soon as possible. Once you've pulled over, turn off the RV and assess the damage. If the tire is completely flat, you'll need to change it. If the tire is only partially flat, you may be able to limp to a nearby service station.

  • Change the tire. If you need to change the tire, follow these steps:

    • Park the RV on a level surface.

    • Engage the parking brake.

    • Place wheel wedges in front of and behind the tires that are still on the ground.

    • Use a lug wrench to loosen the lug nuts on the flat tire.

    • Remove the flat tire and replace it with the spare tire.

    • Tighten the lug nuts with the lug wrench.

    • Lower the RV and remove the wheel wedges.

    • Put away your tools and get back on the road.

Here's another video that you may find helpful. It shows the RettroBand Wheel Enhancement run-flat system in action.

Again, this blog post is intended only to give you possible your research. By following these tips, you can help to keep yourself and your RV safe in the event of a front tire blowout.

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